Dr. D.S. Sandhu

Cancer Specialist in Ludhiana | Oncologist in Punjab

Dr. D.S. Sandhu

MD, DM (Oncology)

Oncologist Cancer Specialist in Ludhiana Punjab, Dr Devinder Singh Sandhu is an ‘Internationally Renowned Oncologist and Hematologist’ from Ludhiana. He has done MBBS and MD (Medicine) from Govt.

Medical College, Patiala. After this he did DM in Medical Oncology from All India

Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.

Then he went to the USA and received cancer training at world’s top 2 cancer centers

– Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (MSKCC) in New York – as well as – MD

Anderson Cancer Centre (MDACC), Houston, Texas, USA.

He has been quoted in the USA cancer research papers. In a cancer research paper

titled “Can Cancer be Preventable?” published from Lexington, USA Dr Sandhu is the

only non American reference to be quoted.

He is a pioneer in cancer treatment in the state having performed Punjab’s first ever

bone marrow transplant (BMT) at Ludhiana in 2006.

He has published more than 30 cancer research papers in peer reviewed international

and national indexed cancer journals.

Cancer Specialist in Ludhiana | Oncologist in Punjab
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